Brandon University

About Brandon University
Brandon University is a Canadian university located in the city of Brandon, Manitoba with an enrolment of 3500 full-time and part-time students. The current location was founded on July 13, 1899 as a Baptist institution.
Manitoba Universities
- Assiniboine Community College - Brandon , Manitoba
- Canadian Mennonite University - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- College universitaire de Saint-Boniface - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- Providence College and Theological Seminary - Otterburne , Manitoba
- Red River College of Applied Arts, Science and Technology - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- The University College of the North - The Pas , Manitoba
- The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- The University of Winnipeg - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- Winnipeg Technical College - Winnipeg , Manitoba
- Yellowquill College - Winnipeg , Manitoba